Saturday, May 07, 2005

I'm Too Sexy For The School, Too Sexy for The School...

Jessica Allen, 27, was asked to leave Pinewood Elementary School in Marysville, WA where she had gone to pick up her daughter, a student there. Seems her clothes were too sexy for the school. Unlike other schools in the district, Pinewood extends its dress code not just to students but to parents as well. Ms. Allen was wearing a tank top, which is a banned item of wear. According to Allen, "If I had thought what I was wearing was inappropriate, I never would have worn it."

What do you think? Should schools be able to dictate parent's clothing?


At 7:07 AM, Blogger -J said...

I think schools are confused. They complain that they are parents to children and then they go ahead and make rules in an attempt to be parents to the parents.


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