One of the things that startled me on my first exposure to a
military chaplain was how he managed to do a benediction without calling on any specific deity of religious symbol. The benedictions at the
Bush inaugurations are clearly not being handled by military chaplains. During the
2001 inauguration ceremonies for George W. Bush, he managed to
piss off much of the country's religious establishment when the benediction included phrases like "We respectfully submit this humble prayer in the name that's above all other names, Jesus, the Christ."
religious right often calls the United States a "
Christian Country". There is one problem with this. That pesky
Bill of Rights. The very
first item in the bill starts off " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Dedicating a ceremony on the steps of the Capitol with both houses of Congress in attendance doesn't strike me as keeping things very separate.
plans for Bush's 2005 inauguration next week call for the
same evangelical preacher to once again deliver the benediction. This has that
little alarm bell ringing in my head.